Art and design + Letters
Letters: Kerr Robertson and Catherine Brownell on the structural defects in the training and fees of architects
Brief letters: Liz’s lettuce | Banksy’s rhino | Liverpool accent | Apostrophes | Tesla owners
Edward Mirzoeff writes: The brilliant Birdsall soon moved back to his true love, print design
Brief letters: Derbyshire skylines | Roadside pylons | Unbreakable glasses | Penis proximity | Apostrophe’s useful
Letter: We should allow state-sponsored museums and galleries to charge admission to non-UK residents, argues Carol Varlaam
Brief letters: Olympic opener | Imagine lyrics | Harvest mice | Healthy drinking | No Guardians here
Letters: Rosemary Haworth-Booth on how she started acquiring works in the late 1980s, when other galleries failed to take an interest
Brief letters: Country diary | Isfahan’s sights | Dilyn the dog’s fleas | Bald truths | Pate expectations
Letters: Dr Suzy Tutchell champions the work of past and present female artists, while Caroline Higgitt takes Francesco Vezzoli’s challenge
Brief letters: Artworks remade | Planting trees in ’93 | Spending a penny in Victorian times | Luxury ironing
Letters: The UK’s creative skills have never been in higher demand, writes James Purnell, while Gush Mundae says we can’t wait for Labour to fix things, and Dan Thompson takes inspiration from the New Deal
Brief letters: Art criticism | Council funding | Cuckoo confusion | A cracking teacher | Dominic Raab’s career
Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring, Rembrandt’s triangle and real art’s appeal