Film + Letters
Letters: Quentin Falk, Tony Humphries and Sue Ball pay tribute to the Oscar-winning actor
Letter: All Fours is a novel with a message that crosses gender boundaries, writes Matt McCabe
Quentin Falk writes: Donald Sutherland’s ability to surprise and delight extended to a Q&A I once did with him at the National Film Theatre
Letters: Lisa Kerrigan writes about the British Film Institute’s efforts to showcase under-seen gems from its national archive
Brief letters: Sardine sentiments | Hymns in hospital | Sedentary Guardian readers | Tories rearranging the deckchairs
Letters: The director’s Oscar acceptance speech made Daniel Scharf recall his father’s words about humanity, while Rose Levinson praises his courageous remarks
Letters: A new doc gives a partial and racialising view of the film production company, says Nasheed Qamar Faruqi. Plus a letter from Mark Redhead
Brief letters: Image manipulation | Honest company names | Waste water services | Fluid intake advice | Frozen’s fairytale origins
Letters: Richard Paulssen and Peter Ellson respond to an article by Adrian Chiles on learning to love pootling along
Letter: Dame Maggie Smith obituary