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A heating technician installs a heat pump on the side of a building.
One reader says something must be done to change the heat pump market. Photograph: Tomasz Zajda/Alamy
One reader says something must be done to change the heat pump market. Photograph: Tomasz Zajda/Alamy

Heat pump transition is nothing but a money grab

Adam Halawi says the high quotes he got to install a heat pump made it much more expensive than a boiler, despite a higher government grant

Tim Bradley quite rightly wonders why heat pumps are so expensive in the UK (Letters, 1 October). He can’t be alone. The simple answer surely must be price gouging, partly due to the heat pump grant.

I received two quotes from the same supplier for the same house, one with a £5,000 grant and another with the new higher £7,500 grant. The first quote, shared with me on 27 Sept 2023, came to £3,700 on top of the £5,000 grant – a total of £8,700. The second, which I received on 26 August 2024, was a strangely specific £5,585.42 on top of the £7,500 grant – a total of £13,085.42. A 50% rise even when the grant increased by 50%!

I want to go green and get a heat pump, but when even with an enlarged grant prices can be double or even quadruple the cost of a new boiler, it makes absolutely no sense. Something must be done to change the market, as currently this shiny green transition is just a grubby and tarnished money grab.
Adam Halawi
Brighton, East Sussex

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