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First Dog on the Moon

First Dog on the Moon is Australia's only Walkley award-winning marsupial-based cartoonist and has done all sorts of things including books, radio, stage shows and a lot of lying down

  • SaveAlbopixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    There’s an election looming and the government’s messaging is a shambles. It’s time to SAVE ALBO – from himself

    The spill will be on soon. Unless…
  • InnocentPineMartenspixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    The mustelid enthusiasts of Devon are overjoyed at the return of the redoubtable pine marten!

    In Australia we have real endangered animals
  • NaccInvestigatesNaccpixike

    First Dog on the Moon
    The Nacc is now launching an investigation into … wait for it … the Nacc

    Alright nobody move – we’re all under arrest!
  • NightParrotReduxpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Once thought to be extinct, the mysterious night parrot is back in the news! Is it saved?

    Why are so many settler Australians haunted by this almost mythical bird? Why?
  • GroceryCheatspixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Australia’s supermarket greedopoly has allegedly been offering pretend discounts. Everyone is very shocked

    If they’re not careful these price gouging supermarkets will be spoken to firmly
  • WFHGoneTooFarpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Boris Johnson has inserted himself into the working from home discourse. Amazing

    Why won’t he just leave us alone?
  • FishFeelingspixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Fish! Do they have feelings? Now everyone wants to know about the emotional lives of fish!

    Do fish feel despair or longing? Do they yearn for a simpler time?
  • RentAppspixkie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Rental apps?! What fresh hell is being inflicted upon hapless renters now?

    Already forced to pay their landlord’s taxpayer-subsidised mortgages now this
  • VibratingPlanetixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Did you know climate change made the entire Earth wobble for nine days! What?

    Is there anything climate change cannot do?!
  • DogsAndCatspixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Trump is such a sad wannabe despot. How can he be so close to Kamala in the polls?

    What is wrong with people in this country?!
  • BanAllTeensInternetpixike

    First Dog on the Moon
    Albo is protecting the kids! (Does not include protecting them from gambling ads, climate change or going to jail)

    WTF? Hop off Albo! Gadzooks!
  • ClimateTourismpixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Will Australia’s iconic landmarks be destroyed by climate change?

    I’m sorry but your Big Prawn has climate-induced shell rot
  • Labradoodlespixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    They had to find foster homes for hundreds of sick and traumatised labradoodles. We took one

    Contrast my anger towards puppy mills with the joy of seeing a rescue dog running on grass for the first time in its life
  • RentalInspectorate2024pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Knock knock: it’s the rental inspectorate here about renewing your landlord licence

    Do you ever come over to the property unannounced and do ‘gardening’ with your shirt off?
  • TerribleWeather2024PIXIE

    First Dog on the Moon
    The power went out and we were plunged into darkness. Big weather across the nation!

    It is perhaps a harbinger of the darker future to come – the storms aren’t getting smaller
  • CostOfLiving2024pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    Huge profits for the supermarket duopoly, Bechamel. Our shares are up again!

    A cost of living crisis? In this economy? What are you talking about Tweed?
  • penguinstorypxie2

    First Dog on the Moon
    Sphen has died. It seems Magic and all the other penguins are sad

    It’s a lovely story even without all our (my) twee anthropomorphism projected on to it
  • Spring2024ouxue

    First Dog on the Moon
    Is this fake spring, pre-spring or the sequel to fake spring?

    The calendar says it is still WINTER
  • BabyMaugeanSkatepixiek (1)

    First Dog on the Moon
    Everyone loves a tiny baby stingray-looking thing. IS THE MAUGEAN SKATE SAVED?

    Now all we have to do is breed a bunch more and return them to Macquarie Harbour where … er … they will all die
  • WhatIsRacismpixie (1)

    Racism! It sounds bad – but does it even exist?

    Let’s ask some white people
About 1,312 results for First Dog on the Moon